How do I connect my NETGEAR WiFi Range Extender using manual setup?

To associate the NETGEAR WiFi Extender physically:

On the off chance that you have a NETGEAR WiFi Extender with an Ethernet port (EX6100, for instance):
 1.     Utilize a PC to associate with NETGEAR WiFi Extender by means of Ethernet link.
2.  Login to the web UI of your NETGEAR WiFi Extender utilizing
            You will be incited to enter a username and secret key.
             Default login qualifications are:
           (1)    Username: admin
           (2)    Secret phrase: pasword
                 Note: Username and secret phrase are case delicate.
3.        When you have effectively signed in, go to Setup > Wireless Settings.
4.   Check the incentive in the Password (Network Key) field under Security Options.
      On the off chance that the secret key isn't same as your switch secret phrase, change it so it  matches.
5.             Snap Apply.
6.            Reconnect your Wi-Fi gadgets to the NETGEAR WiFi Extender.

On the off chance that you have a NETGEAR WiFi Extender without an Ethernet port (WN1000RP, for instance):
1)     Reset your NETGEAR WiFi Extender back to manufacturing plant default settings.
       To do this, press and hold the Factory Settings catch as an afterthought board for 7 seconds.
2)        Interface through Wi-Fi to your NETGEAR WiFi extender.
3)  Login to the web UI of your NETGEAR WiFi Extender utilizing
        You will be provoked to enter a username and secret word.
         Default login certifications are:
(1)    Username: administrator
(2)    Secret word: secret word
Note: Username and secret word are case touchy.

4)       Pursue the setup wizard to setup your association with your switch. (Try not to utilize WPS when reconnecting to the switch)
5)         Reconnect your Wi-Fi gadgets to your NETGEAR WiFi Extender.
In the event that you are as yet encountering issues with your extender, attempt the accompanying:

  •       For establishment and setup help, see Installing and arranging NETGEAR WiFi Range Extenders.

  •   For investigating help, see Troubleshooting NETGEAR Wi-Fi Range Extenders.
  •      To investigate association issues, see I can't get to; what do I do?.
  •    Client manuals and firmware refreshes for NETGEAR items can be downloaded from NETGEAR Support.
  •                         For more data see, How to refresh firmware on your NETGEAR item.
  •          Have a go at looking for help from the accompanying:

  1.                       Support for Netgear Extender
  2.                       Support for Netgear Wi-Fi  Extender
  3.                       Supportfor Netgear Extender Customer


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